

Yee君 译·世界 2021-03-17


▲ CAS仲裁报告截图(图片来源:CAS官网)




▲ CAS仲裁报告截图(图片来源:CAS官网)

125. The Parties bore the onus of providing clear and accurate translation/ interpretation. Indeed, the Parties, at the Panel’s request, jointly agreed in the letter of 18 October 2019 on the interpretation company to be used at the hearing. It is understood that the Athletes team (which includes native Chinese speakers) took the lead in selecting the company and the interpreters, who were ultimately agreed upon by WADA and FINA.


bear the onus of  承担…的责任

panel  n.仪表板;嵌板;座谈小组,全体陪审员 vt.嵌镶板

hearing  n. 听力;审讯,听讯

take the lead  带头;为首

126. The Panel is bound to note that it was extremely disappointed with the quality of the translation and interpretation, in particular at the beginning of the hearing. Recognizing the apparent problems in interpreting the Athletes testimony, the Panel instructed the Parties to rectify the interpretation problems immediately. Noting that both the Athlete and WADA had native Chinese speaking counsel/ interpreters present in the room, the Parties were invited to agree on using one of their own counsel/ interpreters to interpret for the remainder of the hearing. Without reservation or hesitation, the Parties agreed on a new interpreter who diligently interpreted the remaining witnesses, to the satisfaction of the Panel and Parties.


be bound to  必然;一定要

testimony /ˈtestɪməni/  [法] 证词,证言;证据

rectify /ˈrektɪfaɪ/  vt. 改正;精馏;整流

remainder  n. [数] 余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人 adj.剩余的;吃剩的 v.廉价出售;削价出售

127. Following the conclusion of the hearing, and with the agreement of the Parties, the examination of the Athlete (which had been recorded) was submitted to an independent translation service, which transcribed an translated his testimony during the hearing. In this respect, the Panel is comforted by the fact that the Athlete’s testimony before the Panel was virtually the same as before the FINA Doping Panel. In the other words, and most importantly, despite the poor translation in the course of the hearing, the Athlete’s testimony has been correctly translated and fully considered and understood in this procedure.


transcribe /trænˈskraɪb/  vt. 转录;抄写

virtually  adv. 事实上,几乎;实质上


▲ CAS仲裁报告截图(图片来源:CAS官网)

358. The Panel further noted that, in the course of the hearing, as occurred during the sample collection process on 4 September 2018, the Athlete sought to take matters into his own hands: unexpectedly, in the course of the closing statement he was invited to give by the Panel, he invited an unknown and unannounced person from the public gallery to join him at his table and act as an impromptu interpreter. He did not seem to deem it necessary to seek the permission of the Panel, or to otherwise act in a manner which suggested that he respected the authority of others, or of established procedures. The Athlete is a world-class athlete, with an impressive list of sporting achievements; he is not, however, above the law or legal process. The rules apply to him as they do to all athletes, and he is required to comply with them.


take matters into one’s own hands  自行其事

public gallery  旁听席,公众旁听席

impromptu /ɪmˈprɒmptjuː/  adj.即兴的,即席的 n.即兴曲;即席演出 adv.即兴地,即席地

comply with  照做,遵守









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